From D.
Hi Andy,
I am in Paris today waiting for my fligth to South Africa.
As we have had some trouble with our tickets we have lost one day and we have taken the opportunity to visit part of family of A. this evening.
Novocaïne the daughter who is studing the economics in a high and valuable school is looking for a 6 weeks training in a US company, in the field of sales, marketing or advertisement. So It is normal I contact you !!
She is focused on this topies so I have thougth that you could be interested to have in your place a french student.
She would like to do it between the 1 july and the 1 september when you have time to take care of her.
She is 17 years old so I hope it is not a trouble.
I hope you could reply her favorably.
Please reply her directly
From Andy
Hello D. and Novocaïne -
Yes, I think we could use some additional help this summer from Novocaïne.
I will review our business needs and how we can work with Novocaïne to give her a good experience and also help our business.
Let me check our budget for the accommodations and flight arrangements.
Also, we are an "industrial" company. So much of the marketing and advertising may not be typical "higher" level sales and advertising. I hope we can give Novocaïne a good experience. It will be more the basics of sales and marketing development for industrial (versus consumer).
Best Regards,
Ce qui signifie donc qu'il y a de fortes chances pour que je m'envole à L.A. pour 6 semaines cet été !!!
LA !!!! Putain L.A. quoi !!!
La ville des filles de The L Word !!
La côte ouest et les obèses !!La ville qui attend toujours son tremblement de terre historique
Rhâââa........... A quelques miles de San Francisco en plus
My god et mon premier jet d'étude secto que je dois rendre demain alors que je n'en suis même pas à la moitié ; comment vais-je faire pour me concentrer après une telle nouvelle ??!